Our Mission Statement demonstrates a central tenet of the Presbyterian faith: we are Confessional and Connectional.
We are Confessional
We confess our faith in the Triune God (Father, Son, Spirit); our dependence on Jesus Christ and reliance on the Holy Spirit and Scripture; our identity in Jesus and the salvation, grace, and justice he offers; our belief that our whole lives should glorify God; and so much more.
We are Connectional
We are a family and we live our faith lovingly and together. We are empowered together. We proclaim God’s Word together. We grow together. God adopts us through grace, not through anything we’ve done. At First Presbyterian, we are all adopted and aim to receive all as we have been received – with love and grace.
These beliefs drive our Mission
We are loved, forgiven, and shown grace because this is the character of God; having been shown these things first by God, we are called to love, forgive, and show grace to everyone we come in contact with. This is manifested at First Presbyterian in supporting mission efforts across the globe, in our neighborhood of Quincy, and places in between. But we also believe this mission is lived out daily by Christ’s disciples in our homes, neighborhoods, schools, little league fields, church, workplaces, and anywhere else we go.